It is a branch that deals men’s health. It is the male counterpart of gynecology and primarily deals with the management of disorders of the male reproductive tract eg. male sexual dysfunction, male infertility, penile fracture, vasectomy, orchidopexy etc.
Sexual dysfunction is a common problem. It is more prevalent in women (43%) than men (31%). Inspite of the high prevalence, physicians as well as patient are hesitant to discuss sex related issues. Sexual dysfunction can lead to distress to both partners and may have a negative impact of their relationship. It can be a result of a physical or a psychological problem.
The common sexual problems affecting men are premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. Evaluation for sexual dysfunction involves a thorough history of symptoms and a physical exam. Investigations may be required to rule out any medical problems that may be contributing as a cause of sexual dysfunction.
Treatment: Most cases of sexual dysfunction are treatable. Many cases can be corrected by treating the underlying physical or psychological problems. The treatment needs to be individualized for each patient.
Medical treatment: eg Tadalafil, Testosterone replacement therapy if testosterone levels are low
Intra Cavernosal Injection Therapy
Vacuum Erection Devices
Penile Implants
Topical lignocaine spray may help to control ejaculation by reducing sensitivity.
Infertility is a common problem. The introduction of Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) has opened up the barriers in this field. Male factor etiology is responsible for 50 % of the cases. Management of male infertility starts with a detailed history and examination. Semen analysis is the most important investigation for evaluation of male infertility. Additional tests may be required which may include ultrasound, testicluar biopsy etc.
Some common causes for male infertility are
Whenever possible the treatment is directed to correction of a specific problem and the costly ART is kept as a last option.